Useful documents
Here you’ll find all of the most important documents to help you administer your plan, all up to date and in one place.

In our comprehensive document library you can access and download a range of forms and administrator guides.
Please note, for your plan specific literature please refer to ZIO or contact us.
Administrator forms:
- Adding a new paying entity to a corporate plan form
- Adding and/or replacing a bank account to an existing paying entity form
- Authorisation of plan adviser payment form
- Authorised signatory mandate form
- Document certification form
- Notification or leavers and confirmation of residential address form
- Suitable Certifiers form
- ZIO plan administrator form
Administrator guides:
- Confirming your identity guide
- Automatic invoicing guide – Your invoice explained
- Document certification and suitable certifiers
- ZIO – A guide to using analysis codes analysis codes
- ZIO – Guide to submitting and authorising online leavers
- ZIO – Planholder guide to complaints procedure
- Zurich bank account details