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Our data commitment

At Zurich in the Middle East, we embrace responsible data handling and ethical use of technology to contribute to a sustainable and secure digital future for the region.

Our promise to you

We’re driven by Zurich’s global data commitment, which was announced in September 2019 with the aim to inspire confidence in a digital society.

We’re bound regionally by this commitment, and this includes a promise to never to sell our  customers’ personal data nor to share their personal data without being fully transparent.

If you are our customer, it is our duty to always keep you informed if and why your personal data is shared, and with whom.

This extends to third parties with whom Zurich does share personal data and they are also bound by enforceable contracts, which set out how that personal data can be used.

Zurich's data pledge: four promises to our customer

Keep your data safe

Never sell your personal data

Never share your personal data without being transparent about it

Use data for what’s best for you

At Zurich Middle East, we leverage data to meet evolving customer expectations and create insurance solutions tailored for their lifestyles. However, the privilege of accessing customer data comes with the responsibility to ensure transparency in its usage and safeguarding of their digital identities.

Ramesh Ramakrishnan

Chief Information Officer

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