risk profile fund

Risk Profile Funds

Investing made easy

Zurich gives you access to a range of pre-defined funds, managed by some of the world’s largest and well respected investment managers.

Each fund has a different mix of investments to align with a range of investor profiles, from low-risk lower return funds through to the high-risk higher return funds. The funds are available in three currencies: US dollar, Euro and Sterling.

There are two types of fund portfolios to choose from

Managed by Vanguard Asset Management, one of the world’s largest and most well-respected investment managers, the Zurich Risk Profile funds offer a range of low-cost profiles using index funds, designed to meet individual objectives.




Maintains exposure across all key regions to achieve a global strategic asset allocation



Achieve a true broad diversification through different asset class selection



The cost advantages of passive indexing



Automatic rebalancing and transparency, which together carefully balances risk, return and cost

Find out more about Zurich Risk Profile Funds and Vanguard

Zurich-Risk-Profiles-brochureRead the Zurich Risk Profile Funds Brochure

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