Qatar 300 70_final

Frequently Asked Questions

Retirement Savings Plans

It is a plan Qatar Airways has set up to help you save money for your future and will significantly enhance your benefits package.
The ISP is only open to certain groups of employees of which you are a part of.
Then the end of service benefit (EOSB) that has accumulated since your date of joining Qatar Airways will be transferred into the ISP.

You have the option to join the ISP, and we believe that it would be a valuable addition to your benefits package. However, if you choose not to join, you can elect not to complete the joining form, and you will not be enrolled in the ISP.

If you are eligible, you will be invited to participate in the ISP. To join, you will need to complete a 'Joiners form' and send it to The ISP team will be able to provide you with this form, and it will also be available on Zurich International Online (ZIO) whenever you need it for any future changes.

Payments and Investments

Once you have completed the Joining form and communicated your intended date of joining the ISP (which must be the first day of a month) to, we will advise you on the value of your EOSB that will be transferred into the ISP.

No, you will not lose the EOSB amount that has accumulated since your date of joining Qatar Airways. It will be transferred into the ISP.

Our contribution will start at the same time your own contribution starts.

Only members enrolled in the ISP will benefit from Qatar Airways' contributions into the ISP. The contribution is a percentage of your base salary and is based on your length of service. It starts at 12% for the first 5 years of service, increases to 13% for up to 10 years, and further increases to 15% for over 10 years.

You will be required to contribute at least 5% of your base salary and you can contribute up to a maximum of 15%.

Yes, you can create your own investment strategy from the range of investment funds offered by the ISP (applicable only for employee contributions). However, employer contributions must be invested in one of the two default investment options. The default investment options for your contributions are the CS (Lux) Qatar Enhanced Short Duration fund or the BB Money Market SP for Sharia investors. All investment funds are in US Dollars.

Retirement, death, and leaving service

When you leave Qatar Airways’ employment

Employee contributions under the ISP:

When you leave Qatar Airways, you have options for your employee contributions. You can choose to withdraw the value of your contributions, transfer it to another savings plan, or use your ISP Account balance to purchase an annuity from your preferred provider.

Qatar Airways employer contributions:

You will be entitled to the relevant portion of your employer’s contributions to the ISP once you have completed the periods of service (vesting period) as shown in the table below.

Criteria Criteria Vesting entitlement
Less than 1 year of service 0% - you will not be entitled to any of the value of the employer contributions account if you leave service within 12 months of joining
1 to 5 years of service 75% of the value of the employer contributions account or your end of service benefit entitlement, whichever is greater
More than 5 years of service 100% of the value of the employer contributions account or your end of service benefit entitlement, whichever is greater
In the unfortunate event of your death whilst you are still a member of the Plan, regardless of whether you are still employed by Qatar Airways or not, 101% of your employee account(s) and the value of your employer account to which you are entitled will become payable. It is therefore important that you nominate your beneficiaries online via ZIO as doing so will assist Zurich or your Plan Trustee to identify who will be entitled to receive the benefit.

You can transfer the value of the ISP into other plans, but only after leaving employment with Qatar Airways.


The tax treatment of any contributions into and any benefits taken from the ISP will depend on your own personal circumstances. It is always advisable to consult your relevant financial professional if you are in any doubt as to the extent to which you may be liable to any tax under the ISP.
Your and the Qatar Airways’ contributions will be suspended.
Zurich’s role is to support all members in the ISP whenever required, however, please note that they are not licensed to provide investment or other financial advice.

The Isle of Man has established its own Insurance and Retirement Benefits Acts to ensure that authorised companies have sound and professional management, and that the interests of sponsors and their members are protected. Zurich is authorised under the Insurance Act 2008 to conduct long-term insurance business from the Isle of Man, and is supervised by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority (IOMFSA). The Insurance Act requires senior management and controlling parties of insurance businesses to be fit and proper, and that the companies are financially sound.

The legislation is clear and comprehensive, and the reporting requirements it contains satisfy the IOMFSA's strict supervisory needs. All of these measures help to ensure the security of the ISP.